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Akhila S

Nerdfighter. Loves all things SciFi/Fantasy. Listens to everything from punk rock to Carnatic gems to Disney films OST, but has a special warmth for anything Folk/Indie. Well versed in multiple languages including fandom references and song lyrics. Digs all visual arts. Also, Nerdfighter. When she's not hyping about the F1 weekend or strumming on her guitar (amateur forever), you can find her reading up on everything from Chaos theory to chess endgames and space missions to AI. Akhila's currently on a quest to figure out how to write the funniest haiku.

An Ode to Forgotten Passwords

Forgot Password—a familiar line for netizens. Despite many unbreakable-yet-unforgettable-password guides, we fall short of ideal security. Neuroscience saves the day.

July 28th, 2021 · 3 mins read
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